I am setting up this blog to journal my excursion to Mt.Whitney. I will be joining five other women on this adventure to summit the highest peak in the contiguous United States

Friday, June 5, 2009

No turning back now!

4:OOAM house is quiet, coffee on, running through my mental checklist. I guess it really doesn't matter at this point, if I forgot something... no possible way it is fitting in my pack anyway!

So many people have asked me a lot of questions this week, thought I would take this time to answer.

Q1. Why are you doing this?
A1.  WHY NOT?plus... Sounded great after a few beers and Patron shots in Park City

Q2.  Have you done anything like this before?
A2.   Not that didn't include a Gondola ride up first, or a backpack full of drinks

Q3.   Are you prepared/ Trained?
A3.   Television, believe it or not has been preparing me....i will explain
-watched the movie ALIVE the other night . Lesson learned: we can survive off of each other. hmmm...who do we eat first???

-Man vs. Wild if Will Ferrell can survive the Arctic Circle, (he did however have Bear as   his guide, we have bear canisters, does that count?) we can survive. I can make us snow shoes from twigs if our crampons fail, climb a tree to asses position (I think we may be above tree line for most, but can and will do it if needed), grill us up a deer head if we get hungry, and most importantly, hang on tightly to the ladder while dangling  from the rescue helicopter!

(see, TV isn't all that bad after all)

-Entertainment: this is a must when attempting such an adventure.  My ipod is ready to shuffle me up the hill! We are stocked with every "real men of genius" (Bud   Light)commercial known to man and will probably have them all memorized by the time we return

So this my friends, is where I have to say ... "LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN"